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New Website and Ranked Season

By Strangey - Oct 07, 2023

We have one of our BIGGEST updates to Overcast Community ever with some long requested features finally releasing.

NEW Website

Our website has been completely revamped and has a TON of new features to show off. Profiles, leaderboards, way more stats, and a merge of the Bolt Overcast Ranked site to put everything in one place. The site has a brand new look to stay true to our color scheme and has an easily toggleable dark mode on the top right too. While the new design looks cool, let's get into the new features:

NEW Profiles and Stats

The new website will now give each user their own profile page to display their (almost) lifetime stats. This will show off your progress towards your battlepass missions, recent matches, friends, trophies, and more!

Since September, match specific stats have been tracked and these match links can now show up on your profile. This means that every match will have its own page dedicated to displaying every participant's PvP statistics and highlighting the top damage dealers, killers, etc. Try checking out a 3 hour long match link, it will get very long.

NEW Leaderboards

It's finally time to see who caps the most wools, who killfarms the most, and who plays a little too much OCC! We have a leaderboard page divided into 3 categories: Matches, PvP and Objectives. You can sort the leaderboard by specific stats for each category and you can also filter the leaderboard so that it only displays you and your friends!

Stats are shown globally when you first enter the page but you can also filter specific parts of the network such as Ranked-only or Tournaments-only. These other services have more options to highlight which events or seasons that you want to look for. The Ranked leaderboard will include a 4th category to sort by which displays the users' SR and their rank icon. You can also see the current Battlepass Season's stats by using the Casual series filter.

NEW Ranked Season

Bolt has been rebranded to Overcast Ranked as we've now merged the network's stats and features onto one website. Season 4 of Ranked starts today! Ranked features different sized queues for you and your friends to play!

  • 5v5 Conquest: KotH, KotF, CTF, 5CP, CP
  • 3v3 Conquest: CTF, KotF, KotH
  • 2v2 Bridge

We now have both English and Spanish queues for players to play on. Join the Overcast Ranked Discord to get started and also check out our dedicated Ranked page on the site for a guide!

To login to the website, you'll need to link your Discord account through the Overcast Ranked Discord. This method is temporary and will change in the future. Please leave any bugs or suggestions in our Discord ⁠Website Feedback channel.