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Additional Leadership!

By Siceth - Sep 22, 2022


While the admin team has gone about internal planning and project kerfuffle, we quickly realized there was a gap in our abilities to consistently stay connected to the community. All of us have unique strengths that we try to apply, but I firmly believe there's always room for improvement.

With that introspection, we needed someone who could grow & foster the community, provide oh-so valuable partnerships, and has a knack for the competitive side of the house. We needed wylt.


Wylt has been promoted to admin and will begin our secret plans right away. So please welcome wylt to the group and congratulate him the next time you see him!

We Need YOU

We Need YOU

How are we doing? Do you think OCC is the best server to hang out with friends? Or maybe you feel like it's stagnant at times. Do you love the battlepass? Or perhaps you think promoting wylt was a bad idea.

We want to hear directly from the community. It can be anything relevant. If you have a minute, please consider filling out this quick poll.