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Support Overcast's sustainability and outreach
4th Annual Summer Sale
Now introducing super votes!

To sweeten the deal this summer, you can instantly boost your voting power on select match cycles, with the purchase of an Overcast rank. Simply spend your super votes during any map cycle and get an additional three votes on everything you want.

Super votes also stack with the passive buff you already receive with your rank. For example, Sponsor gets 3x votes normally—activating a super vote gives you a whopping 6x the voting power for that round!

Gather your friends and enjoy your favorite maps on demand! All ranks are 50% OFF from July 1st – August 31st.

$4.99/mo $9.99/mo
  • Join full matches
  • Choose your team
  • Double votes when selecting the next map
  • Access to four observer effects, using /fx
  • Exclusive pets, using /pets
  • A green flair next to your name, to show off how awesome you are!
  • 1.25x raindrop multiplier
  • NEW
    2 super votes
$9.99/mo $19.99/mo
  • Join full matches
  • Choose your team
  • Triple votes when selecting the next map
  • Add a map to the next vote, using /sponsor
  • Access to eight observer effects, using /fx
  • Exclusive pets, using /pets
  • An epic yellow flair next to your name, that will certainly attract some attention
  • Hide yourself from other players using /nick
  • 1.5x raindrop multiplier
  • NEW
    10 super votes
Overcast Cloak
  • Black background
  • Has a custom OCC shield
  • Is animated!
Overcast Bandanna
  • Black background
  • Has a custom OC.TC text
  • Shows Cloudy, the Overcast mascot!